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Tim Dodson - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Tim Dodson
Nacido enCalifornia
34 years
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Molly Murphy Friday Night Cards With The Tards. May 29, 2012
OH Tim,
Wish I had spent more time with you when I had the chance. I am so grateful that I knew you, you funny, over the top tard. Thank you for taking care of me when i could not take care of myself. It was so vital to the life I now have, that you loved Wendy so much that you just let me move in with you guys even when my own family was over me. Thanks for believing in me. I will always think of you when I laugh so hard i cry. Which sadly will happen a whole lot less without you. Thank you for loving Wendy and the Girls so well, you were so good at that. Thank you for your friendship, and all the laughter. Thank you for helping Simon believe that nerdy computer guys are just as cool as football players, maybe even cooler cuz they get more money. And of course thank you for each and every "Friday night cards with the Tards" Love always, Molly
Katie Ricci To Wendy May 9, 2012
My sincerest condolances.
Tim Odell To Wendy and Tim May 9, 2012
Wendy, I am so sorry for your loss. I only hung out with you and Tim once, but I thought he was a great guy, and funny as hell! And he just kept em' coming! Kris and I give you and your girls our love. Tim Odell
Cary Soriano Short life, but long legacy May 7, 2012
Tim - I never got a chance to see your Texas home, but I remember when you first moved all your stuff from Watsonville to Citrus Heights. That used to be such a crazy commute for you going down to Watsonville in your old Corolla. Anyways, most of our fond memories were from our time in Sacramento together. Being your roommate was hilarious. I seriously can't believe you ate a whole pot of my Thai soup. Man, you really loved it didn't you? You also used to love going to Mongolian BBQ and drowning your noodles in curry sauce. We really had a great time up there. I still can't believe or accept that you're gone. You must be trying so hard to tell us how much better you have it now. I'm sure the politics up in heaven are better than down here, right? LOL Anyways, I'll always laugh and think about you everytime I take the annual "compliance training" for work. You're still one of the funniest people I've ever met - and I'm glad you're finally reunited with all the people you've lost during your time here on earth. I'm sure Wendy and the girls will be fine...they are as strong and as loving as you. They will carry on your legacy so that everyone can still enjoy your spirit here. Ok buddy, go mingle with all the folks up there. I'm sure you got to meet Johnny Cash already. Pretty cool huh? Take care bud. Love, Cary
Lisa Hardin I wish I'd told you how much I admired you May 7, 2012
Tim, I probably never told you how much I admired you.  I was always so proud and happy for Wendy because you had been through so much in life, and had become such a well-rounded, hilarious, always welcoming guy!  Everytime I stopped by, you'd stop what you were doing and visit for a bit.  I felt like you were not just Wendy's husband when I came over, but you were my friend too.  I admired your scholastic and work efforts, and I never told you, but you were a role model to me.  You made me want to learn more in my work, and try new things to better myself.  Because of your weight loss efforts, I can barely eat a carb anymore!!  I even compared the guys I had dated to you!  I wish I had told you these things, not that they'd necessarily lift you up, but just so you'd know that you're hard work was appreciated by those whose lives you touched.  And you touched my heart with your sweet babies climbing all over you.  And the way you encouraged Tati and Xioma in their belted battles!  You were a great dad. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that you're gone!!  I can't imagine how life is going to be so empty for Wendy, your girls, your coworkers, all who were lucky enough to have ever met you.  I know you'll be watching over them, but it'll never be the same.  The loss of you is huge.  I wish I had told you these things while you were still enjoying your beautiful life.  I'm going to miss you.  Love, Lisa   
Martha Lerma-Vega Dear Friend May 7, 2012
Dear Freind, I will miss you dearly. I will miss your comments on Facebook and knowing what you were up too. Your kindness and your love to others will be missed but not forgotten.
Tracy E Smith To Tim May 7, 2012
Tim, I never got the chance to meet you, but Wendy has told me lot's of stuff about you. I saw your posts on FB and knew you were an awesome family man that loved his girls. I never saw a picture of you that you weren't smiling in. I feel so bad for the 4 little girls and your beautiful wife that you left behind but know that your memory will NEVER die.  Love, Tracy xox
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